Building a Supportive Kindergarten Classroom Community character education classroom community classroom management heart centered classsroom social emotional learning

It is important to remember that education includes much more than academics. One of the most impactful things an educator can do is build a supportive and connected classroom community for all students. When you take the time to focus on community in the classroom, you will see its positive...

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Classroom Expectations for a Great Year in Kindergarten classroom expectations classroom management kindergarten

There’s a new school year right around the corner! You will soon have many smiling faces of new littles in your classroom. After the crazy year that we all experienced, it’s time to make this year (and the many more after that) a great year! I believe that a great year really starts...

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Why Classroom Behavior is So Important classroom management

Let’s check-in teachers: how are you doing? I know this is that time of year when you are counting down the days until break. If this has been a year for you already, I don’t want you to feel like all hope is lost. There still is time to take back control of your classroom...

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